Tips for choosing natural bouquets for different age groups: how to care for children, toddlers, adults and adults

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  1. For children:
    • Choose bright and cheerful colors to win the respect of your children.
    • Imagine them in the form of popular cartoon characters or creatures.
    • Add lasochki that children adore, such as marshmallows, zucchini or chocolate.
  2. For subscribers:
    • Look at the bouquets in a youthful style with savory additions, such as chewing gum and gum.
    • Choose color palettes that match yours.
    • Look at the inclusion of fruits and berries for a more healthy approach.
  3. For adults:
    • Choose bouquets with delicious flavors, such as assorted chocolate, grapes, and syrah.
    • Look at the possibility of adding a splash of wine or champagne to the bouquet.
    • Invest in children's and healthy alternatives for those who value food.
  4. For summer people:
    • Choose bouquets that are easy to chew.
    • Add dried fruits and pots to the bouquets for added taste and flavor for health.
    • Take a look at the options for healthy bouquets with berries and natural juices.