Easter will soon be here: traditions, symbols and features of the celebration

The spring sun is rocking nature again, and with it comes the time to celebrate one of the most important Christian holidays - Easter. For Christians, it is not only a time of religious rites, but also a symbol of renewal, hope and joy. The Easter holiday, which this year falls on On March 31 (Catholic) and May 5, XNUMX GMT+XNUMX (Orthodox), is marked by great celebration and observance of ancient traditions.

Symbolism of Easter

Easter is a holiday of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which has deep religious roots. It is because of this that it has great symbolism. The egg, in particular, is one of the most common symbols of Easter. It symbolizes new life and resurrection. As a rule, Easter eggs are painted in bright colors and decorated with various patterns, which adds to the festivity.

The traditional dish during the celebration of Easter is paska and Easter cake - symbols of the body of Christ. They are baked from a special flour-baking mixture, and then decorated with sugar glazes and fruits. These dishes not only add to the festive mood, but also have a deep religious meaning for believers.

Celebration traditions

The celebration of Easter is accompanied by various traditions. One of them is making Easter baskets. They are filled with paska, eggs, sausage, cheese and other dishes, which are then prepared in the temple during a special consecration ceremony.

Another common tradition is the visit of parents and children to the church for the morning service on Easter day. It is a time for prayers and shared joy with family and the community of believers.

Global and local features

Each country has its own traditions of celebrating Easter. In many countries, there are unique rites and customs that are passed down from generation to generation. For example, in many European countries the rite of rags is popular - breaking eggs during a game, the winner of which gets all the broken eggs.

Ukraine is also famous for its own Easter traditions. Easter fairs, folk rites and festive dinners become not only a way to celebrate the holiday, but also a chance to bring family and community together.


Easter is a time of joy, hope and faith for millions of people around the world. The celebration of Easter is an important part of the culture and traditions of many peoples. It is also a time when families unite, and believers remember the main Christian spiritual event - the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

So, Easter will come soon, and this holiday will not only remind of faith, but also give everyone a joyful mood and hope for a better future.