What are nuts good for?

Not everyone knows that nuts are among the top antidepressant foods. All varieties of nuts retain without any loss of vitamins and nutritional properties, not only for one season, but much longer.

Each type of nut contains its own unique unique balance of vitamins and minerals. Nuts are rich in complex proteins essential for the tissues of the human body. Nuts are 2,5-3 times richer than fruits in mineral composition - the content of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and other substances, in addition, they contain a lot of protein (16-25%).

  • Funduk (This type of nut contains a large amount of vitamins A and E. It improves brain activity, it is best consumed raw).
  • Cashew (they have the property of strengthening immunity, improving heart activity and even soothing toothache. Only twenty cashew nuts a day - and your body will receive a daily requirement of iron, before eating the nuts must be fried, since they are tasteless in raw form).
  • Fistashki (will help in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, anemia and jaundice, with toxicosis in pregnant women, increase the reproductive capacity of men)
  • Almonds (for people prone to heart disease, doctors strongly recommend eating at least 60 grams of almonds per week, almonds are rich in phosphorus, potassium and iron)
  • Walnut (will help with physical exhaustion, anemia, diseases of the nervous system, heart and stomach. Regular use will protect men from impotence)
  • Pine nut (They are high in vitamins, macro- and microelements with a low fiber content, especially useful for children and the elderly. Due to the high fat content in pine nuts, people prone to obesity should limit their intake)
  • Brazilian nut (it is used as an appetizer in salads and desserts. Just two nuts a day - and your body will receive a daily intake of selenium, the lack of which leads to premature aging. In addition, the Brazilian nut will give you a charge of vivacity and energy, beautiful, clean skin and reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer)
  • The largest nuts on Earth are coconuts. The weight of one nut can reach four kilograms. In addition to excellent taste and aroma, coconuts contain a large amount of B vitamins, macro- and microelements. They have a beneficial effect on the immune system, vision, digestive system, thyroid function. Coconut milk has a rejuvenating effect.

Do not forget to delight your loved ones with delicious, healthy juicy fruit baskets. And we will help you with this.