10 facts about fruits and vegetables

Fruits make our lives better; they tend to be sweet, refreshing, and delicious. But what is actually a fruit? Tomatoes are fruits. Just like cucumbers and avocados. But you usually don't put them in this category.

As it turns out, scientifically speaking, a fruit is simply the part of a plant or tree that contains seeds. So, if it has seeds, it is a fruit. But then what is a vegetable? Well, "vegetable" isn't really a scientific term at all. This is a culinary term. This means that a real scientist would divide the plant parts into fruits, roots, stems, leaves, etc., while your grandmother would most likely divide plants into fruits and vegetables (fruits are the sweet part, and vegetables all the rest).

So now you know everything about fruits and vegetables, and you can impress your friends with new knowledge in this area. But prepare to learn a lot more.


  1.  Bananas are slightly radioactive
  2.  Not all oranges are orange. If the weather is not cold enough, the chlorophyll in the peel does not break down and the fruit remains green
  3. There are over 7000 different types of apples grown all over the world
  4.  There are multi-fruit trees that can grow 3 to 7 different fruits on a single tree. This is achieved by grafting two or more plants so that they grow and function as one single plant.
  5.  Did you know that tomatoes have more genes than humans?
  6.  Grapefruit is known to interact fatally with certain prescription medications
  7.  Cucumbers are actually fruits
  8. The color orange was named after the fruit, not the other way around. Before that, it was named "geoluread", which means "yellow-red"
  9.  Apples, peaches and raspberries are all members of the rose family.
  10.  Oranges actually have less vitamin C than many other fruits, including guava, lychee, kiwi, strawberries, and pineapples